HIV-related Services Access by African, Caribbean and Black Canadians in Middlesex County, Ontario

Project Name:

HIV-related Services Access by African, Caribbean and Black Canadians in Middlesex County, Ontario

Funding Dates:

2010 - 2012



Principal Investigators:

Longman, Roxanne Mueray


The HIV infection rate among African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) Canadians is several times higher than among other Canadians. Research on persons from HIV-endemic regions, like Africa and the Caribbean, suggest that many of these infections occurred in Canada post immigration. The African, Caribbean and Black population represents the largest visible minority group in Middlesex County, and London has the third highest infection rate in Ontario, therefore, an investigation into the factors driving the infection in these groups is imperative.

Purpose and Objectives:

The primary objective of the proposed research project is to identify the HIV-related service needs of the communities. The main questions that will be addressed include 1) what are the beliefs of African, Caribbean and Black communities that affect their decision to access HIV-related health and social services, 2) what, if any, barriers do these individuals face in accessing HIV-related services, 3) what types of services do they require for meeting their HIV-related needs, 4) how culturally-appropriate are current HIV-related services, and 5) what improvements can be made?


Community-based research approach, being community-led, relevant, participatory and action oriented. It will be primarily survey-based. The survey will gather quantitative data which will be analyzed with input from qualitative data (key-informant interviews) in order to enhance interpretation and ensure practical application of findings.


ACB populations in Middlesex County, ON


Middlesex-London, Ontario

Start and End Date:

2010 - 2011


Project Indicators and Outcomes:

Funding Sources:

